Workers’ Compensation Insurance.
Workers’ compensation insurance provides medical and wage benefits to people who are injured or become ill at work. The coverage is mandated by each state and the wage and medical benefits vary by state. Workers’ compensation is considered a social insurance because it relies on a social contract between management and labor, wherein exchange for purchasing workers’ compensation insurance, business owners are protected from civil suits from their workers who become injured on the job.
Worker’s compensation changes consistently, which is why you need professionals like the Transure Team to keep your policy up-to-date and effective. We continuously monitor the indices effecting pricing and coverage and our markets are poised to respond to these ever-changing exposures:
- Guaranteed cost programs
- Small deductible programs
- Large deductible programs
- Qualified self-insurance programs
10+ Truck Fleets Only
We can work with you to determine what coverage best fits your needs. We’ll walk you through the process, every step of the way, to make sure you have the protection you need for peace of mind.